Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My little monster

Just got Addie her Halloween costume today! She's a little pink monster and looks absolutely adorable in it! She actually enjoyed playing in it too (so much that I had to hide it in her closet!)! I have to return Aidan's costume. The store didn't have his size, so I got the next size up and it just didn't work. As soon as he has a costume I will post pics....if he'll cooperate!

For now, here's the cutest little monster you've ever seen!


Anonymous said...

They have the cutest costumes for kids now. All we had to pick from were those plastic masks with the elastic string on the back and the flammable polyester clothing. I was Western Barbie for like two years in a row. I would've much rather been a cute, pink monster!!

Kelly said...

LOVE IT!! She is the prettiest monster ever! Great pics as always, Jen!



About Me

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I'm a stay at home mom of two kids. Life is sometimes quite busy to say the least! In the little spare time I have, I've been learning a bit of photography. I have sooo much to learn, but I really, really enjoy it. I also enjoy my time at the gym. Not only does it help keep me centered (as possible), I'm slowly getting back to my pre-pregnancy weight! I am married to my wonderful husband, Jim. We've been married for close to five years! It's so hard to believe how fast these years have flown! We all live together in suburban Detroit, along with our dog, Zoe and our cat, Telly!