Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Victor turns 4

Sunday was Victor's 4th Birthday party! It was just me and Aidan this time, since my car is on the fritz. Addie got to hang out at home with Daddy. It was actually very nice to relax and have fun with only 1 kid! Victor had a nice party. I can't believe he's 4 already! Every time Victor's Birthday rolls around, it reminds me that Aidan's Birthday is just around the corner. I can't believe that I'm about to have a four year old!

Speaking of Aidan, I think this is a record for me on pictures taken of him. They certainly aren't portraits, but at least he gave me the time of day!

Here he is hanging out in the bounce house.

This is Victor's adorable little brother, Logan!
This is the look I get when I say, "Hey, Aidan!". He's clearly annoyed.

The Birthday boy opening presents with his mommy!
Aidan is checking out one of Victor's toys. When there are toys around, he has no self control.

Rachel's little sister, Delaney with Logan
And one last picture of Aidan. I can't believe he's going to be four in 2 months! Where has the time gone?


Anonymous said...

Very cute picture of Logan. He really looks a lot like his dad. I love how close Aidan is getting to Victor's toys. He definitely wants his hands on those!

Anonymous said...

Um, I see Little Vic, Rachel, hey theres Logan, Uh...WHAT ABOUT DAD!?!. Just kidding. I love the photos, the color is awesome.



About Me

My photo
I'm a stay at home mom of two kids. Life is sometimes quite busy to say the least! In the little spare time I have, I've been learning a bit of photography. I have sooo much to learn, but I really, really enjoy it. I also enjoy my time at the gym. Not only does it help keep me centered (as possible), I'm slowly getting back to my pre-pregnancy weight! I am married to my wonderful husband, Jim. We've been married for close to five years! It's so hard to believe how fast these years have flown! We all live together in suburban Detroit, along with our dog, Zoe and our cat, Telly!