The other day, I decided to let Aidan have my old point and shoot camera. It's old and on it's last legs anyway. It was an idea I've been toying with for a little while now, but wasn't sure if he would even be interested. When I asked him if he would like it yesterday, he jumped up and down and got very excited. I showed him some basics....basically to frame up his image and snap the shutter. He surprised me! He loved picking his subject and shooting.
Here are a couple of my favorites that he took (and there are a lot)! I did very minimal editing on them since they are his images. I only cropped a few and sharpened/sized for the web.
Orange Ball. See the Goldfish cracker in the upper left corner? :o)

Animal crackers

This is a pic of the TV during a Pop Tart commercial. LOL!

This is my shadow!

Here's his tricycle

This is my favorite of the bunch. This is his neighbor friend, Patrick, peeking over the fence from his backyard.

I like this capture of Addie. I was letting her sip water out of my glass.

But I think he was trying to bust her here. Little stinker getting into the cabinets as always.
This one while I was making dinner. The secrets out....this is what I look like when we don't go anywhere. Nice hat!
Here he managed to get a pic of someone I haven't been able to in ages....his daddy! Poor guy got assaulted by the camera as soon as he woke up!
Not too bad for a first timer, huh? Jim and I were pretty impressed, considering he's not even 4 yet! Now he keeps saying that he's a photographer. Silly boy! :o)
Wow!!! I am seriously impressed by Aidan's skills!!!! It seems like he did a great job. Maybe following in mommy's footsteps?
I think Aidan has a lot of photography potential :) Adorable!
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