Thursday, August 7, 2008

Just playing around

I downloaded a cool new Photoshop action from one of the websites I visit. It's called Cindy's Periwinkle Haze. I haven't really been playing with the camera much lately, so I thought I'd try it on a couple of older photos that I thought it might look cool on. Let me know what you think!

Just to show the difference, here is my original color edit of Addie in the bathtub at around 7 months old. Actually, looking back, this is shortly after I got my camera and photoshop. I can see lot's of stuff I could go back and fix, but that would be a whole different postHere it is with Cindy's Periwinkle Haze Action and a little bit of sharpening. Kind of different and neat. She looks kind of cold though, don't you think?
Here is one of Aidan on the beach. On this edit I went for a vintage look. I've actually always liked this, but I figured what the heck.So, I totally re-edited the original and added the Cindy's action. Notice something missing that my other edit had? I also attempted to clone out that blue bucket that's been kind of bugging me. I normally say that I'm a sucky cloner, but think I did a good job this time.
And tried it on a black and white pic of my nephew, Elliot. This was my original B&W edit.and with periwinkle. I also tried a different crop. I like them both, but it definitely gives a different effect.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey there- I LOVE this photo! I was wondering.. what website you went to when you downloaded the Cindy's Periwinkle action? Thanks!



About Me

My photo
I'm a stay at home mom of two kids. Life is sometimes quite busy to say the least! In the little spare time I have, I've been learning a bit of photography. I have sooo much to learn, but I really, really enjoy it. I also enjoy my time at the gym. Not only does it help keep me centered (as possible), I'm slowly getting back to my pre-pregnancy weight! I am married to my wonderful husband, Jim. We've been married for close to five years! It's so hard to believe how fast these years have flown! We all live together in suburban Detroit, along with our dog, Zoe and our cat, Telly!