The clan headed up to Northern
Michigan to meet my parents for some camping this past weekend. We stayed outside of a tiny town called Harrisville, right off of the Lake Huron coast. The weather was chilly, especially off of the lake. We did have one nice day to enjoy the beautiful beach though. Even Zoe, who has never been in the water got in on the fun! Oh, and look closely at the pic of Jim, Aidan, and Zoe by the sign. Jim is holding a glass container (Jack Daniels for those wondering) and the obvious dog. We are such rebels!

There is this cool lighthouse just outside of town. I practically had to beg Jim to go so that I could take a few pictures!
This old boat was right next to the lighthouse. I love the decaying look of it.
And a fun shot of Jim and Addie. I kept trying to get a pic of them with the lighthouse behind them. It probably would have worked if Jim would have been more patient and followed direction! Hmmm....could that be where Aidan gets it?
Oh, and this is just a random cute shot of Addie hanging out back at the camper. It reminds me of Dr Evil in Austin Powers....."one meeeellionn dollars! Bwaa haa ha!"
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