This year, Aidan is a Ninja for Halloween. I'll be honest and say that I'm disappointed that he's not being something more "cute", but his heart is set on it. I have to say, he does look pretty tough....which if you know Aidan says a lot!

Miss Addie is a witch. A good witch because she's so cute. And to make it sound even cuter to her, she's a princess witch. She just won't keep her hat on. ;o) Here she is with not one, but two suckers while trick or treating. That's my girl!

And here's Uncle Matt! For those without young kids, he's dressed up as DJ Lance Rock from Yo Gabba Gabba! This is a favorite kids show of MINE! Haha! But what is even cooler is that he was very into character and all the little kids loved him.

And we can't forget his lovely wife and my little sister Aunt Kim! I think she's one cute kitty!

Here we have Addie hanging out with her Grampa Wilkins. I need to make a mental note and take more pics of the kids with the grandparents!

Aidan got tired of wearing his mask. I actually like his costume much better without it. And doesn't he look like he's up to no good here?

This is a very typical face that I see very often from Addie. She's no doubt voicing her displeasure about something. Always drama with little girls, but still so very cute!

It was such a beautiful day. I love fall days like these...

When we got back to the campsite, I tried to get pics of my parents dogs for them. I really really love this pic of their crazy dog, Gretchen. I curse myself for cutting off her little paw at the bottom! Darn it!

Addie just loves this dog. Not the best focus,I admit, but cute nonetheless...

This is Molson. He's getting up there in years! If memory serves, he's about 13 or 14 and isn't doing the best health wise.

Check out this smile!!!!

Of course I can't forget my little cutie nephews! Here is my little Oliver...look how big he's getting!!! I love love LOVE his blue eyes. ♥

And who can forget Elliot? I've mentioned this before, but this little guy gives me a run for the money! Seriously, I tried to take a picture of him and what does he do? Scream and run away! You'd think he was one of MY kids! LOL! Somehow, I managed to get a shot of him on the campground train. I count my lucky stars that I got both eye contact AND a smile!!!!!

OMG! Your kids look SO adorable!!! Love their costumes and your sister looks adorable, too! You're rocking the camera!
What great costumes!
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