Today is what I'm assuming will be the last nice, warm day that we'll have for several months. It's what my mom always
referred to as "Indian Summer". I don't know how PC that term is today, as I haven't heard it used in ages. I took the kids down to our neighborhood park to drink it all in. I really wasn't intent on getting pics of the kids, but was trying to get a pic of myself. (I'll explain this in another post at another time. Ha, ha!) Anyway, the three of us were heading to the wagon when Aidan stops by a tree and says, "Do you want to take a picture, Mommy?" I was a bit shocked! "Well, yes! Of course!" He was even taking direction! The only problem was, I still had to keep my eye on Addie, which was a bit distracting. Anyway, this is what I got.

I'm kicking myself for not getting the light in his eyes and the focus can use some work, but I still really like it. If I had known he would willingly let me take his picture, I would of put something a little nicer on him. Jim says he looks a bit like a rag-a-muffin. Oh, and he's not mad....this is just his GQ tough guy expression. ;o)
Haha! Love how he's just chillin' like a big boy!!
Model material! He's adorable.
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